Originally Posted by Sven7
I'm by no means going around 45 mph corners at 90, but there's a certain point where people are being annoyingly cautious.
For sure. I'm usually still taking 20-25 mph "caution" corners at ~ 30-35 mph, but it is generally safe for me to do so. When you start taking that same corner a 15-20 mph after doing 45 mph in the 35 mph zone, I start to question.
And my personal experiences with a '74 F350 are why I say to use caution when coasting without brake vacuum. Now that I think about it, that might have been my first experience hypermiling. I had ~ 1 gallon of gas, and the nearest gas station was ~ 20 miles away. Shut the engine off and neutral rolled for about 4 miles of the trip.