Originally Posted by theycallmeebryan
I'm most interested in your body panel degapping. I'm sick of the huge gaps between all the panels on my car. What exactly did you use to do that? I was planning on just using silicone out of a tube to seal up all the gaps.
Do you pulse and glide at all? Any Engine off Coasting?
For the gaps I used rubber 1/4 inch sticky-backed tubing, or 1/4 x 3/8 adhesive backed foam for windows etc. All the mateials can be bought from Osh harware. The rubber seal is around $9 and the foam one about $4. Pretty cheap. I'm sure its easier to remore than silicone, thats why I decided this method was better,
Plenty of pulse and glide, I have my route figured out after 6 weeks of driving it. haha Its been fun!!!