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Old 10-30-2011, 10:05 PM   #30 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Oil Pan,
If I am reading right, the battery you bought is made of A123 cells. These are the same cells which are used in the DeWalt 36 volt battery packs. These cells have a charge level of 3.6Volts/cell and shortly after using(if not being constantly charged) slip down to a 3.3V operating level. I used them on my electric bike for a couple years. They do not like go below 2V/cell. I have revived a couple that did so, but A123 says that can shorten the life span on the cell.
I can tell you that those cells will take a beating. I used the same two battery packs to go back and forth to work for well over a year before they started feeling a little weak. It was five years ago when I began riding the bike. I still use the battery packs with the drill and they still work well for that function.
As for safety. ANY battery can explode. If a lead acid is outgassing a bit and catches a spark BOOM!! There is however a video floating around Youtube of a drill being put through and A123 cell with only minor smoke being created. No explosion.
Good luck with the battery pack.
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