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Old 10-31-2011, 04:25 PM   #28 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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There are a few simple rules to get one to pass. The tank, straps, tank valve, fill valve and lines must be for on road use. The tank must be mounted so as not to interfere with normal operation of the vehicle and must not be in the passenger compartment (I ask what if it’s a hatch back or SUV was told to mount it in the trunk “thank god dumb looks are still free“) also must have a safety blow down line that exits below and away from the vehicle. All CNG lines must be hard lines only mounted away from exhaust, and must be mounted using rubber garments at all attachment points/pass toughs and run so as not to interfere with the operation of the vehicle. Fill valve must be mounted beyond initial impact zones (here is where I ask to define initial impact zone and was told mount it anywhere as long as its not beside the exhaust, or is sticking out past any part of the vehicle) and must be manual closing. Strange thing is they don’t inspect anything other than the tank and filler the rest there is no rules.
The $1,800 pays for the pump that you will never own because it’s a leased only item! Then they still charge a $46 a month charge just because they can. I ask about buying my own pump and that’s where it all went wrong they started telling my how unlawful it is to tamper with there line or equipment yea yea got ya. They have a company they use and that’s it.
I know a lot of car and truck makers sale them already to go. Most big cities police cars, buses, ect are run on LP and gas with nothing done, farm trucks every where and a lot of other work equipment. There’s just no data about the motors any where.
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