Here's some photos from the event.
MobileMe Gallery
The Craftsman Experience is sort of part Museum, part Hands-On, part Art Gallery, and part TV and Radio Studio.
For the show, it was sort of a small stage in the middle of the space, surrounded by lights and several cameras. Instructables authors were interviewed there showing off their projects. I went first, and just pulled up on my motorcycle directly in front of the stage.
After the stage segement, we would go over to their radio studio room, where people could also call in.
I didn't even get to catch the whole show. For any part of it that I was in, I really couldn't be watching a monitor to see what they were doing for graphics or anything. I also had to go back out to my truck to get my camera, and had to eat.
I was told that they will put up the recorded version of the show in about a week. Apparently, it has to get corporate approval before going out to YouTube and web.
And really... With all those people there who were into hacking and modding, I can't believe that NOBODY else realized that everything needed to build a Choco-Taco was right there!
I mean, really, look how totally JEALOUS the guy in the red Instructables shirt is!
It was SOOO good!
These girls were fun. The one sort of complained about how many sewing machines she has won in Instructables contests. Apparently, she just DOMINATES the realm of sewing on Instructables.