Originally Posted by Chuck.
Ideally, I'd like to do a boatail that has the licence plate encased in the clear plastic part of the boatail.
Like a number of states, Texas seems to prohibit that. For toll stations to get a clear photoshot of a car, they want to make sure the plate holder/cover does not obscure the view....Texas law is pretty strict.
Open to ideas, but think I will have to leave the plate holder blunt and unaero, except maybe a small spoiler above it.
I'd not worry about having a small area transom at the rear on which to mount an uncovered license plate. The last 20 percent or so of a well designed full boattail is mostly worthless, so the flat end has no consequences. This was verified by Liebold in designing the Mercedes-Benz C 111 speed record car (Hucho, 4th Edition, p165), and by Phill Knox's work.
See this site for a discussion:
The Dave Cloud ultra streamline is pretty and probably near perfect, but the last 20 % is probably near worthless. There are a wide variety of other issues with a boat tail taken all the way to the pointed end. The ref. site discusses much of this.