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Old 11-24-2011, 03:25 PM   #56 (permalink)
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The local Honda dealer made the mistake of offering me a $10 gift card with a possibility of winning a new Accord if I came the the dealership. Rode there on my 2011 CBR 250R (bike). Tried the key (yeah right) and no go, so I asked for my gift card. I also asked them if they had any cars that got 60 MPG like my 94 VX or 68 like my 02 Insight. Didn't even bother about the 80+ on the bike. Told them Honda lost it when the old man died in 1991, really got them wound up talking down Honda in the showroom.
Sales manager said he was not going to give me the gift card, so I asked him where in the rules of the gift offering he found his justification for such a statement. He responds I need to have a vehicle appraised or take a test drive. I just rode 10 miles to the dealership. Told him there was the "vehicle" I rode to their dealership so he could do an appraisal on the CBR, or I could drive a car around that I had no intention of buying, his choice, or we could see what the local news thought about his "gift" offer.

He gave me the gift card, no appraisal or test drive, total time about 8 minutes, for a free tank of gas in the CBR. Maybe they will stop sending me the crap in the first place.

Also told him if I won the car I would take it to CarMax 300 yards down the road and sell it immediately, or take cash instead of the car. He was blathering on about 34 highway. Geez, I can get close to that in my 140k 99 Maxima.

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