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Old 12-09-2011, 12:54 AM   #41 (permalink)
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First of all, I'm sorry this happened to you Dave. I'm sure that we all feel for you.

Cops are trained to look for things that are odd, or different. I have to agree w SentaSE-R5, and CigaR007's comments on page 3.

You haven't shared w us how many (exactly) cars passed you when you started testing until the cop pulled you over.

I have always had this concern for you guys that pulse, and glide. Greater America just isn't up to speed, on anything perceived as radical. It's like wanting to easily find 100% whole wheat bread some 15 yrs. ago while nation wide traveling.

He only knew you were doing something VERY different! If no cars had passed you at all, it probably wouldn't have changed anything.

As per California98Civic's advice; probably your best bet. I'm afraid you need to swallow this one.

For future reference, when your coast takes you below 45 right signal to the shoulder, 4 way flash until near 45 again left signal out. Thank goodness he doesn't know you are turning your eng. off: all havic would breakout as probably all 50 states have laws against off eng. coasting!

Big brother or someone always seems to be waiting, and watching. On trips w NO cars around, I've had to speed up after a hidden cop spotted me out in the deserted interstate to keep from being pulled over.

Many, many years ago, I got pulled over riding a new Harley: once for very moderate acceleration because I saw rough railroad tracks ahead , and slowed gradually for them. (the cop knew I saw him, and thought I was riding too careful as in maybe


The 2nd time I was working on my smoothness w a bigger bike. ( same Harley)

I was cruising in town at the 25 mph limit when the street went slightly uphill to a four way stop. I pulled up so smooth that I was able to put my foot down having never touched the brakes. The cop made me demonstrate 3 times that my brake lights DID work!!!

You just can't look too different!

I guess that kind of kills your testing for that stretch, and time; for now. You don't want to run into that same cop anytime soon.

Keep us updated on what happens.

Sorry for your situation: chin up!

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