Originally Posted by kach22i
I downloaded it, have to read how to use it, might never use it at the rate I adapt to new things though.
It's super easy.
Hit enter, 0, enter. Type in the full location of the file, for instance, c:\users\john\desktop\carpicture.bmp. Make sure to use backslashes.
(If you open the folder in Explorer/My Computer you can see the file location at the top)
Press enter. Set the top (or left) slider to 120, and the other to 45.
To exit or open a different file, close out of the window you typed in.
Originally Posted by deathtrain
Can you do the 94 Toyota Carrola sedan? I just need a picture with the aero templet overlayed. I just cant figure out how to do it.
You can use a free program called GIMP to overlay things, but it takes a little getting used to. I have Photoshop though so that works even better.
Toyota Corolla 1991-1995 sedan
Originally Posted by KamperBob
New thread - good idea.
I'm looking forward to downloading the standalone version soon. For now I'm on dialup low-band so that's have to wait. But, once I get a round tuit I'd love to run Phil's template and a cylinder as baseline geometries for reference. In the real world first simulations validate the modeling tools; then experiment with different geometries. Anyone else game for this? (wink)
Oof, I feel sorry for you using dialup!
Feel free to run whatever you want and report back with results!