Now the summer is back?! It's friggen freezing over here!
Nice heatsink!
If you go over 5000 Ohms, it just ignores anything beyond it. No biggie. I think about 4500 would be full throttle.
The yellow wire comes disabled. I need to start enabling that sucker. You hook it to the positive of a contactor coil. Make sure you have a diode across the contactor coil to stop the inductive kick from going where it shouldn't. AFter a programmable amount of time, the yellow wire goes from 0v to 12volts. That powers the coil. Program it like this through the serial port:
pc-time XXX
Where xxx is a number in tenths of a second. For example:
pc-time 58
would cause the controller to wait 5.8 seconds before making the yellow wire go from 0 volts to 12volts. The time you have to wait depends on your precharge resistor value.
You need to wait about 0.1*R seconds, where R is the resistor value. So, if you had a 100 Ohm resistor, you would have to wait 10 seconds.