I want to note that I am getting 55 mpg with only one four mile stretch at a constant 60 mph. The other 7 miles is riddled with lights. I haven't traveled more than 11 miles at one time so I don't get the 40 to 50 miles straight running time. Mine is 11 miles and sit for 5-6 hours. Then cold start and drive another 11 miles then it only sits an hour and another 11 miles. It then sits for 3-4 hours and is cold started again for the last trek.
I have really bad conditions for max mpg, but I really think I can hit 70 mpg with my gearing change and warmer weather. Right now is under 20 degrees in the mornings and a high of 35-40 during the day. I have also ridden a few days with rain and or snow. Which really makes it hard to try any hypermiling techniques.
I plan on trying to get in a good 100- 150 mile ride at a constant 60 mph to see how it does.