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Old 12-15-2011, 02:57 AM   #5319 (permalink)
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Power section and base plate attached!:

Solder paste. 63/37, which has a melting point of like 180 degC.

My little "thermometers". They melt at 185 degC or so:

My step by step directions, since I don't think well under pressure.:

Heat up the bus bar:

Heat mosfets in different oven to around 200 degF, just to cut down on the thermal shock a bit. Hotter would be better, but I don't want to dry out the solder paste.

Make the transfer and bake!:

1/16" thick high temperature silicone with hardness of 40. haha whatever that means.

Bend the legs 90 degrees, and then stick them through the holes:

Now do the diodes:
kits and boards
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