Originally Posted by drmiller100
How???? What makes the city better then country?
When driving in the country, let's say my average speed is 38 mph. My sustained effective gas consumption is equivalent to 120mpg while utilizing lean burn of the Honda 3-cylinder engine.
This is the maximum MPG's of this engine design on hot summer days (90F).
To get higher than this, coasting is involved.
The choice now becomes:
1) Coast from 35 mph to 20 mph on a country road.
2) Do the same thing in town in an appropriate speed zone.
(Note: I am not practicing pulse and glide, but simply utilizing the mass of the car to coast to the next stop or change in direction of the road).
The country road coasting is obviously more dangerous, since the posted speed limit there is 55 mph.
So doing the same thing in town is easier if the traffic conditions allow this to happen, since there is less speed differential than the country road approach.
I'm starting to like town driving more than country in certain conditions.