Originally Posted by daverods
As for the alignment I know that it will make the tires wear unevenly but they are old, weather cracked, and with 60% tread left so im not terrible concerned for their well being. I'm just curious as to whether it will have a significant effect on the FE. I guess once I get that fixed ill make a little report of it.
I mentioned the tire wear, not because I care about the well-being of your tires, but because it's one thing that will indicate significant alignment issues. If you are getting unusual wear, then it is taking additional power to move your car.
Originally Posted by daverods
My car has a MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) Sensor which from my knowledge shouldn't be affected by any changes before the throttle body. Correct me if I'm wrong. Always interested in hearing other peoples piece haha. 
Is the leak before the throttle body or after? If it's before, it's not a vacuum leak (no vacuum before the throttle body). If it's after, it is a vacuum leak and can affect mpgs and your idle, even on an engine with a MAP.