Originally Posted by euromodder
Obviously, these engines aren't in the same car - or even same kind of car.
You can get an Audi A4 from 2.0TDi to fire breathing S4
Sure - and it shows that opting for sports cars, excessive luxury or excessively sized cars is costing dearly in fuel use.
Did you ever see that test top gear did with the m3 vs the Prius?
I'm prone to thinking that the "average" driver, paying the " average " amount of attention to driving and travelling at the "average" pace (PSL+10mph/20km/h would think that
1. the smaller engined car has to work "harder" than the larger engined varient
2. Prestige is applied to larger engiened varients
Interesting how it's totally reverse of the ecomodder mentality
Well, nobody does that.
The wasteful engines come standard with the sports or luxury car badge.
Audi a6 2.0 tdi/2.7tdi/3.0tdi
Jaguar 2.7v6
Bmw 530/535d
Merc e-class 2.2 cdi/2.7 cdi/3.0cdi
spring to mind as not "wasteful" in the sense of a 5l V8 petrol..
As for the OP- I think the difference in engne availability is due to differing metrics for measuring pollution..