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Old 12-28-2011, 04:45 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by euromodder View Post
Obviously, these engines aren't in the same car - or even same kind of car.

Sure - and it shows that opting for sports cars, excessive luxury or excessively sized cars is costing dearly in fuel use.

Well, nobody does that.
The wasteful engines come standard with the sports or luxury car badge.
I guess what I'm wondering is just how much of a penalty is there when it comes to fuel efficiency. Comparing vehicles with different weights and wind resistance really tells us very little about the fuel efficiency of the engines they use. It tells us that bigger, heavier and less aerodynamic cars are less efficient, but we knew that already. Put a two liter in an F350 and the mileage will still be poor, while a Civic would still get decent mileage even with a turbo charged V8.

Now obviously, bigger engines weigh more and have more volume to consume fuel, so I would expect them to be thirstier, but the question is how less efficient, everything else being equal?
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