Thanks, Ladogaboy.
These questions aren't exclusively for Ladogaboy...
I did some more reading on LIPO's.
I found this in the .pdf on A123's ANR26650M1-B cell:
Recommended Standard Charge Method
- - 1C to 3.6V CCCV, 45 min
Recommended Fast Charge Method to 80% SOC
- - 4C to 3.6V CC, 12 min
I dug around till I found that CCCV = "Constant Current Constant Voltage" (I think).
But what are "1C" and "4C"?
And, I don't seem to find the latest ANR26650M1-B's being sold anywhere.
[EDIT] I found M1-A's at, $17.99, with price dropping to 11.99 as you watch (!!).
ANR26650M1-B's [/EndEdit]
I did find ANR26650M1-A's offered at $9.99 - see I haven't yet chased down the differences between the A's and B's.
Another question that has refused to yield an answer: What amount of Amps draw am I likely to find, just running the car's engine with it's management systems? Any idea on that?