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Old 01-04-2012, 03:40 AM   #25 (permalink)
The PRC.
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Originally Posted by 320touring View Post
You've been here that long you're thinking Scots too

Unusually for a scotsman I'm not often to be found boozing

Weight-i could lose a stone or 3

2012 will be a spendy year between car projects and going to the German grand prix

For the first time in a long time I have a savings account-hopefully the iS will allow me to put some of the savings from hypermiling into it,rather than repairs..

Agreed re the "money first,goods second" approach-why I only own cars I can buy outright

If I can hit 45 mpg 90day I'd be thrilled!

Hope A junior enjoys school!

Oh how I yearn to be one of the folks saying "working at keeping my 123456789mpg 90 day" you lucky folks
TBH the booze levels only grew when I moved up here

I think A Junior will enjoy it. We took him round for a tour a few weeks ago and its a different world from his current school - which has issues with teaching and bullying. Just hope we can afford it for the 8 years or so he will be there.

And as for MPG averages, have you seen Igor ? With a high starting point its hard to get a decent % increase for the Aygo.

I'm with you on the money first approach. The quickest way to earn money is not to owe money, and now with fees everything will be saved for first.

Originally Posted by JethroBodine View Post
Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Easy now. Let's not get TOO drastic here. Small steps. I suggest taking your next 5 years and keep track of your consumption, average them out to get a proper baseline, and then some A-B-A testing to make sure this is a viable mod.
There is more than enough scope for a reduction, and A-B-A testing is complete (hic) I'm thinkingof switching to American beer as that has such a low alcohol and taste content, a kind of aversion therapy
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]
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