Originally Posted by Vekke
- Winter tires are softer that is a fact
- They will also melt on hot summer days when temperature is over +15 celsius quite easily
Heh I don't know what winter tires you've been using, but I would for the past years I was still living in your country and the neighboring one only buy brand new tires once per year, and that would be for the winter season, and when the summer season came along I would just PULL the studs out. Temperatures would be up to the occasional +30c, there's no problem using winter tires in the summer from that aspect. Though yes they ten to be soft, as they should but never have any "melt"
Originally Posted by Vekke
- They will have lower rolling resistance factor that is also a fact.
Lower traction = lower rolling resistance = due to METAL STUDS between the rubber and the road.
Originally Posted by Vekke
That softer rubber has better grip on icy roads but that does not mean that they dont roll good on summer or winter.
Naturally it does! This is simple physics. The softer rubber mix has the exact same effect as with tires that have too low air pressure, and harder rubber has the same effect as tires with too high pressure. Hence why some ecomodders do this (put more air than the specs state to have).
You can't get more traction (on ice and snow) without having more friction, this is one and the same thing!
Just like WIDER TIRES have MORE TRACTION and higher rolling resistance.
Exactly why people who race cars and motorcycles make their tires softer by making them hot to get better traction!
Originally Posted by Vekke
For summer the braking distances become too long because they dont have enough grip a hard tarmac.
Yes but this does NOT have to do with the rubber, but with the metal studs in them! Remove the studs and they braking distance is BETTER than summer tires!
Originally Posted by Vekke
That my video was a Nokian tires own made and they say that Hakkapeliitta R is best tire at the moment. That is also what they recommend to all projects who try to minimize their fuel consumtion.
Well as I already stated the only logical explanation to this is that it has to do with the studs in them!
Originally Posted by Vekke
Reason why they dont work on my lupo 3l as good as summer tires 145/80R14
- They are 30 mm wider
- ET on the rims are different, they come too much outside from the wheel well --> effect aero
- Wheels are over 2 kg heavier. i believe the tires are also little bit heavier
+ They are about 3% taller which is the reason why I wanted that size first but that was not enough to cover those negative effects.
Yeah I ran into the same issue with my Miata rims I couldn't really go any less wide than 175 due to the wheel widths. Though I am pretty sure from everything I've studied that a heavier setup but very narrow should be better than lighter wheels but wider, but again this is theory I have yet to test it in practice!
Originally Posted by Vekke
On the video G2tdi posted that guy says that they have seen best tires for that car be narrow 135/80 or 85R15 like used on citroen 2cv etc. They can be good and I also tested them on my lupo. My rims on those tires were again such that the wheels com etoo much outside from the wheel wells...
Have you ever experimented with those "temporary" spare tires found in some VW trunks? I have four of them....