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Old 01-07-2012, 02:40 PM   #22 (permalink)
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*Hucho credits the wheel-less Aptera with Cd 0.05
*Sailplanes are governed by skin friction drag
*Automobiles are governed by separation drag
*Cd 0.12 and less are routine numbers for streamliners on 'real' tires at Bonneville.
*Sunraycer scored Cd 0.089 with wheels fairings
*the 1957 MG EX 181 registered Cd 0.12 on 'real' tires
*Sharp edges are to mitigate shockwave drag for ballistic vehicles.
*Ogival noses can begin to play an important role with automobiles at 250 mph as the car enters the compressibility effects of transonic flow
*NUNA is a purpose-built,body-in-white design for the specific purpose of winning a closed-course,limited velocity competition
*the 'Template' is a streamlining tool to correct flow separation with production automobiles operating on public thoroughfares.Wind tunnel investigations have demonstrated Cd 0.12 with vehicles with the 'Template' aft-body.
*Sub-0.12 coefficients of aerodynamic drag can result from wheel streamlining.
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drmiller100 (01-07-2012), landsailor (01-07-2012), TEiN (01-12-2012)