Originally Posted by Grant-53
My coldest commute was 10 miles on a mountain bike at 10F. Even with two pair of gloves my hands got cold. There is nothing like a fairing to cure the ills of wind, rain, and cold. My biggest issue is keeping the glasses from fogging so I am trying a Bell full face motorcycle helmet with treated visor.
I have found a ski helmet and ski goggles work best for me. I use a fleece "neck warmer" pulled up to just below my nose. My breath vents around the sides and fogging usually isn't a problem. I was joking about the parachute pants a few posts back. I have a pair of Foxwear Rain Pants that I wear over my dress pants.
Foxwear Pants They are a stretch soft shell material, fleecy on the inside, smooth, wind and water repellent on the outside. They are a little pricey up front but I have 5 years of winter commuting with them and they should last me a lifetime. Nice small company, my wife custom ordered them at no extra charge. My coldest commute has been –32ºF but only about 3 miles. Get some "Pogies" or "Hippo Hands" for anything below 15ºF. They Velcro over the handlebars, shifters and brake levers to keep the cold wind off your hands. And I wear warm ski gloves with gauntlets inside.