Thanks, Ryland. I believe that's the second time you have advised to go bigger than the Alltrax. Advice taken. I guess its a "being cheap" thing. But the controller is something that I shouldn't be cheap with if I want to be happy with the final result.
I am interested in Paul & Sabrina's controller, but I have no electronics experience and my soldering usually looks like bird poo. Maybe it's my giant soldering gun. Maybe with some practice and a better iron I could do it. I do know how to follow instructions and figure stuff out (being a diesel engine tech by trade kind of makes that a necessity!) Like I said above, having even a 72-120V controller vastly opens my options for battery arrangement. Found another battery? Add it to the string and go faster!
As far as motor heat goes, I will probably find a place or make a holder to mount the ICE coolant temp sender somewhere in the motor at the commutator end. If I see the gauge move at all, I back off.