Forced air intake + warm air intake combined for better MPG?
I'm not a professional in terms of cars and such, but was thinking since warm air intakes have been prooven to provide a better MPG, maybe using the high presure side of the front tires to route past the host exhaust would increase MPG? Or maybe I should ask, does forcing higher presure into the air box result in better MPG alone?
Reasion I ask is since I saw another user on this forum install a cone air filter and removed their air box for better intake flow, I could do similar but try to combine other ideas to get a larger gain just out of the engine.
I'm open minded and if this is not plauseable, please just tell me (and link me if there is discussion already, I couldn't find much).
PS. Current target car is a 1992 Toyota Camry, 2.2L auto, might be looking to get same body style (1993+) Corrola with a manal and 1.6L I think if I can get one cheap enough.