Originally Posted by suspectnumber961
AFTER the various PEAKS occur...it will be TOO LATE? No extra anything to make changes, let alone allow economic growth...a DECREASED standard of living......POST PEAKS ain't gonna be fun.....except for DIYers?...
note: this is not a political post...but if it involves humans...it involves their interactions
I hear what you are saying and mostly agree with your observations. Humans tend to be reactionary instead of proactive. When did New Orleans get a new levee... after the first one was overcome. What causes housing bubbles, stock market crashes, and education bubbles- reactions. People don't apply reason to a situation and anticipate the outcome, instead they react based on emotion.
There seems to be a possibility of decreased standards of living for some period of time, although I tend to believe a more moderate level of discomfort during the transition.
Originally Posted by suspectnumber961
Cheap energy will not exist in the future
You assume some kind of magical tech advances?
I do believe that everything is miraculous, but that is a different subject entirely. The kind of advances I anticipate are the kind we are familiar with. They are the innovations that make television sets thinner, cheaper, and more energy efficient. There will likely be some breakthroughs in technology, but mostly we will see an evolution of existing tech.
Economic growth will not be possible due to expensive energy
Unless you can make stuff without using energy...you will be making much less of it. No easy growth?
Agreed. In my view, abundant useable energy is the key to economic prosperity.
Population growth and resource strains are inevitable
More people who want more stuff = STRAINS?
Global warming will have drastic and costly consequences
Some consequences are already here? More on the way?
I tend to agree here too. Perhaps governments will provide disincentives to reproduction in the future. Currently, most governments provide massive subsidies for families (tax benefits, education, healthcare, etc). I see these incentives becoming less popular with tax payers as time goes on. On the other hand, there does seem to be a trend towards increasing socialism, so perhaps children will continue to be subsidized, but a limit may be imposed on the number allowed.
As far as global warming goes, I haven't been impacted by it yet, and I don't foresee my life being much different if the climate is a couple degrees warmer over the course of many decades.
I imagine we will be fretting over something entirely different within a decade. Iranian nuclear weapons perhaps? I dunno, but I'm fairly certain it won't be the weather.