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Old 01-24-2012, 11:51 AM   #22 (permalink)
Ken Fry
A Legend in his Own Mind
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Originally Posted by drmiller100 View Post
Also true is the hood is wide and low, and the cockpit is high and narrow. Will air stack up in front of the windshield, and fall off to each side to fill the holes made by the hood and front tires? Pretty tough to model, and for sure speed of vehicle matters a LOT.

meanwhile I am filling fiberglass and making it all pretty to pull a permanent mold.
If you do some tufting, you may find the flow gives you suggestions for improving the flow around the wheels and fenders. Tufts can be placed in the space behind the wheels, (away from the body surface, on things like a tensioned thread from outer fender edge to door, or rigid little posts) to get a better feel for whats going on. The fender molds would be pretty easy to change, if required.

You're making great progress.
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