Originally Posted by ConnClark
The best coast down tests are done by coasting down a hill from a chalk starting line. That way you can always have the exact same energy to deal with for each test.
I have the perfect hill. A mile and a quarter or more, no lights, no stops. Right next to campus. I'll mark a spot. Record speed at a specific second spot. A "coast-up" test. I'll do that first, being the less costly option in terms of time and gas.
Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I ran skirts over a year. Results didn't show up in tank-to-tank records. Skirts are now off. I prefer to be able to check and air up the rear tires without the hassle.
I hear you, Frank. But I can deal with the slight hassle of the air pressure check, and I actually like the look a lot. As long as they are not a net loss aerodynamically, I'll keep at it until I have a good looking, well-fabricated pair of 'em.