Originally Posted by merccom
does nobody understand the differance between chooseing to live a life of austarity and having it imposed upon you?
Two problems there. First is that the "austerity" with respect to gasoline won't be imposed on you by government fiat, but by geology and economics. There's only so much oil in the ground. Most of the easy to get to oil has already been pumped out and burned. When it costs upwards of $100, $200, or more per barrel to drill wells, pump the oil out, and transport it to refineries, the gasoline made from that oil won't be sold for cheap.
Second is that you are defining non-austerity as spending a large fraction of your life sitting in an oversized, overstuffed vehicle (and if you're a typical American these days, you're probably overstuffed to match), burning gas to get to and from a place where you will work many hours just to pay for that vehicle and gas.
So who exactly is telling you that NOT living like that is austerity? And why do you believe them?