Originally Posted by jamesqf
Not so. ANY amount of population growth is unsustainable, because the current population is already roughly 10 times what is sustainable.
On what basis ?
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Again no. This is just the result of cultural stereotypes that label people as "old" when they hit 65 or so, and convince most of them that they ought to retire and live on a pension.
Just for an example, I have two neighbors. Looking at them, you'd say they're about the same age & general health. One retired at age 65 a couple of years ago, and spends his time watching TV & drinking beer. The other was still working part-time up to a couple of years ago (and may still be) as a mining geologist, and still does gardening & yard work at 97.
Absolutely agree - however keeping people healthy beyond a certain age starts to cost - hip and knee replacements and so on. I'm not against people ageing or against spending money on them - its a delight people live so long and are active for far longer - 200 years ago people my age were mostly dead.
And we also have to pursuade those people they have to work longer, which is not so easy sometimes.