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Old 02-15-2012, 09:41 PM   #25 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: pjs NY
Posts: 59

Elle - '10 Honda Element SC
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so how does it feel? letting a computer drive for you :P

took me a while to get used to drive by wire but it has a nice feature.

with a computer you can adjust what your pedal input makes the computer do.

30% pedal can give 20% throttle or vice versa 30% can give 40% for those people who feels it lags and feels out of touch

you can also set a max throttle ie: it will never go over 50% even if you floor it.

^.^ that part works best for me. I have a lead foot so I have mine set to never open over 60% and I have it set to give 5% less throttle then the pedal

its one of these gadgets. I use it along with a scangauge and hondata
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