Maybe i think differently, if someone is behind me and wants to go faster i will do the speed limit. I will not coast to a stop if someone is behind me.
The reason i do this is, even though they piss me off when they tail me or try to pass me when it's unsafe, i will rather do the speed limit and keep them happy then piss them off more so they try to pass me and kill someone or themselves. To me it's just not worth getting someone so mad (that i'm driving too slow) and causing them to do something stupid and hurt/kill someone. Even if they are running late for work, it's a crazy and busy world, i'd hate to be the reason someone loses their job because i drove too slow.
Yes i know someone will say "well it's their fault they didn't wake up earlier" and yes that's true but I don't wanna be the reason their kids have to suffer because mom or dad lost their job.
That's just my $0.02