So far I have the screen, buttons, and arduino uno r3. I'm waiting on resistors and the transistor before I stick it in an enclosure - which I haven't decided on yet.
Setup was a bit tricky. The wiki states that you need to use the arduino 0011 environment, but the uno r3 isn't support. After some reading, I figured out that this is because the original arduino's storage is very limited, and for whatever reason, later revisions of the environment compile the same code, larger. However my Uno has more storage than the original arduino, so 1.0 worked fine once I figured out I had to manually select my board and change the output to com3.
I was rather impressed by all of the calibration options, but I have absolutely no idea how to figure most of them out. VSS/mile I can guess - it's probably the same as the Acura Integra LS, which shares both the drivetrain and wheel size with my Del Sol. However, injector delay? What does that even do? There were several settings I just left stock.
Will update when I get it fully assembled, with more pics.