More eBay purchases.
Aftermarket 12V vacuum pump that's meant for a Dodge or Ford diesel. The seller says it reaches a certain vacuum and then shuts off. I will have brakes after all! $65.

(6) 4.5-30V panel voltmeters for individual battery monitoring. Seeing as how I am using a mish-mash of old batteries, I want to be able to sort out the good ones from the bad ones. $29.16

I will install them into a removable/diagnostic panel for battery diagnostics, using this connector that I mentioned earlier:

0-100V panel voltmeter for monitoring system voltage. Most meters like this are 3-wire (+ 12V wire, - 12V wire and measuring wire) which is no good for my purpose. This one is a 4-wire meter (+ 12V wire, - 12V wire, measuring + and measuring -), which is better suited for a pack voltage meter. $6.29

I also got a bag full of surplus/unneeded electrical bit from work yesterday: relays, switches, fuse holders and various connectors. FREE.