That they dwell in trailers is a fact. That they are dumb is also an inescapable conclusion when the facts are examined. There is no brainwashing, misinformation, or sensationalizing in saying those things either.
Of course what you say about people needing to find things out for themselves is absolutely true; that preaching to them won't work. I'm not preaching to them because I'm fully aware of the futility of it. I'm venting to people who have a much higher than average interest in this topic. It could be I have gone on about it enough and am largely repeating myself ad nauseum. But I like to vent.
Do you agree we have adequately identified the major energy problems we are facing and also the major steps we can take to address them?
Do you agree that the vast majority of people don't give a rat's ass about it unless and until they physically can't afford it?
Do you agree that being proactive in implementing some changes will be far less painful a correction to make than being reactive as the majority are and waiting until making necessary changes involves some real pain and sacrifice?
Do you agree that you are just as guilty of sermonizing and being judgemental as you say I am?