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Old 03-02-2012, 01:48 AM   #22 (permalink)
'09 Honda Fit Sport AT
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Seattle, WA
Posts: 26

Fit - '09 Honda Fit Sport
90 day: 30.58 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by Ladogaboy View Post
You are obviously having a hard time understanding what I wrote. You will ALWAYS have room for improving your mileage by adjusting your driving style. Even if you ask members who are getting double the EPA rating for their cars, they will tell you that there are still ways they can improve their driving for economy. My intent was not to start a pissing contest, but by saying that you have nothing more to learn/adjust with your driving when you're only a paltry 26% above EPA ratings is just ignorant.

By the way, I don't pulse and glide; I don't coast with my engine off; and I drive the posted speed limits on the highways.
Well then, you have my apology.

I totally believe we all have room for improvement. However, I am already doing all I am not willing to do in order to improve my economy. I am happy with how I drive now, and could not do anything to improve it without risking the lives of the occupants in my vehicle. Have you ever been up here? AH! These people are friggin nuts! Before we even moved here, I had my driver-side mirror taken off by an idiot that passed me in the middle turn lane in a school zone, with his kids in the car. BWAH?!

Originally Posted by mcrews View Post
you still an xxx look at your post #12.

and yes your a newbee.
I dont care if you invented the internet.....
a newbee is a new poster to a forum.

you logic is flawed....that's a given.
So here we are on page two and you have yet to respond to the valid suggestions that have been made concerning cutting springs......(that is so ricer...)
Which goes to some basic personal issues on your part.
And your grammer is flawed, but you do not see me being an ass-hat to you about it... Or maybe I am... Hrmm...

I agree that cutting springs is pretty ricey. However, the intent to which the mod would be done is not in the "ricey" category. I would not be doing it to obtain tighter handling or am expecting it in any way to improve my chances of taking on a '94 Honda Civic with a shark fin...

Remember one thing, pal: This is a LISTED mod on this web site. Therefore, it is a VALID modification. It is effective, be it to the most minuscule amount. But that is what eco-modding is all about.

It sounds to me like you need to seriously re-evaluate some of your comments. You claim that this site is "superior," yet you bag on one of the very modifications listed on said site... Sounds like you are confused.

Mr./Mrs. mcrews - I must have offended you in some way. And to that, I do not apologize. I do not need to explain myself, and don't see that I am "trying" to do so. I do, however, see a troll...

No modifications. Engine-on P&G. No gauge.
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