Originally Posted by IWantHX
IF there is in fact NO lean-burn on the cvt hx's, buying the hx seems a little pointless.
That would seem to be the case, but a lot depends on how you drive. The other engineering differences Ryland points out above will all make a difference in terms of MPG too. But the real reason to avoid the CVT HX is the CVT itself on the sixth gen. Nobody speaks highly of it. Everybody seems to complain about it's reliability. I would never consider one, and I also simply love my 98 Civic (DX), which I have driven daily since 2001.
Also, Palemelanesian posted EPA MPG ratings above, and I would recommend you rely on those more than anecdotal reports of unusually high numbers. You can learn to get better numbers from any car, but a better MPG platform increases your potential for MPG improvements under a wider variety of conditions with greater choices as to how you drive for those MPG improvements. For instance, I wish I had a 1998 Civic HX manual coupe instead of my DX. My numbers would be even better.
Good luck. Remember to love what you pick.