Ok added 4 xgauges. Two of them don't work which are Air to Fuel Mix (tried bank 1 - sensor 1, and Bank General). The two that do work are O11 and SF1.
I just noticed down further it has Long Trim Fuel Trim >,<, got to add that yet.
Anyway, O2 sensor reads mainly in the 70s-80s most of the time and dips to 30s-40s at times which should mean it is working right, but beyond that I don't know.
The SF1 reading was jumping around from -4 to 3. When I dropped my speed to around 30-35mph SF1 read a little lower averaged out than at higher speeds.
For my 45mph test, I couldn't see any large difference from IGN running at 39 (normal) and when i'm doing the trick to make it run 24. When I get a chance to test out LF1, I'll update this post.
Last edited by ps2fixer; 03-03-2012 at 04:15 PM..