Originally Posted by oil pan 4
That is why I use 22+ volts (panel in sun with no load) to charge a 12 volt battery.
Normally 17 to 18 volts (panel in sun with no load) are used.
Okay thanks guys. Now I am learning something (I hope). I get the point about the angle of the sun and output. Maybe that's best. I want to change the house over to solar anyway. But this mod was for portability of a power source that was not the alternator. It is true that a mere trickle charge will likely damage my new battery. I don't want to go much under 6 amps.
Oil Pan 4: I don't understand how a 22+ volt open circuit panel would solve the problem of amperage, though maybe that's not the problem you're proposing to solve. When I run 24 volts and 100 watts through an Ohms law calculator I get amps at 4.166666666666667, which is still quite a lot under the 6 minimum I probably should guarantee (for the life of the new battery).
This seems like it would be a misguided project, and that the home panels are the better project.