If it's hard to get in & out, don't lower it ...
It'd help, but not a big deal.
yea but 1.5" cant hurt that much right?
On petrol cars.
Diesels want cold air.
Of course, you'd want to closely monitor engine temps when adding a grille block.
There's no need to block the whole grille right away, you can start by partially blocking it, or only blocking up the top grille (usually safe to do, all cooling, intercooler and AC is then done using the lower cooling openings)
On VW's point ? 
What's their pressure ?
36psi is LOW 
The maximum allowed pressure is usually marked on the sidewall.
You can gradually increase pressure - at the expense of comfort - until you find it too hard for your liking, then back off a bit.
Max is 51 so i do 45
Get them off for fuel efficiency.
They'll make little difference in keeping the car clean- unless you're often travelling on unpaved roads .
wait I thought spats were infront the wheels to deflect the air..