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Old 03-27-2012, 08:40 AM   #27 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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ZX - '97 Citroen ZX Monaco
90 day: 61.05 mpg (US)
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I wonder how Suzuki Alto would be for aerodynamic mods?

They still make it in India Maruti800: one of the most successful cars in India and we have them here in few numbers at silly low prices.

Engine is 800cc motorbike engine from my memory, and thing does not weight nothing compared to other small cars.

It has also narrow tires so with some aerodynamic mods I would imagine it might go really well, convert to injection slap megasquirt into it and it might even take some lean burning too?

Frontal area is also among the smallest.

cdA is at 0.73 - 0.75 range, cd being 0.46 - 0.47 and frontal area of 1.59m^2

Here you can find some aerodynamic data from different vehicles to estimate which is better in stock form:
The Mayfield Company Homepage - Coefficient of Drag Tables and Curves

I would think that with aeromods one could lower cd to 0.35 range at least, if not even lower, depending from legistlation of area and what mods it does allow, maybe even less than that is possible and fuel economy would be great on city and highway too.

However I doubt that it would be possible increase length of that car by 1 meter in here, which it probably would need, or then chopping rear roof.

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