Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Don't bend ANY rules at bar closing time; the shadows are thick with pigs looking for ANY excuse (One license plate bulb dim? Didn't signal? That all it takes) to pull any and everything over in the hopes of issuing a whiskey ticket.
I don't volunteer information to officers. If they ask if I have had anything to drink, I tell them no. I only roll the window down enough to hold a conversation and deliver ID/paperwork. When asked if they can see my eyes, I tell them no. Although I don't drive drunk, I won't give them any opportunity to cite me for anything other than the original infraction.
The last time I was approached by an officer, I was parked with my gf near her house. The officer said there was a report of suspicious activity and said he smelled alcohol. When questioned, I said I had nothing to drink. Then the officer asked to see my eyes, which I (lawfully) refused. He replied "so we're going to do this the hard way", as he walked back to the patrol car to run info. I walked with my gf into her house without speaking another word to the officer, and he drove away. I guess that was "the hard way".
Originally Posted by ps2fixer
my license plate lights work, just a bit dim. Replaced one bulb to make em happy since they are original from 1992 and 303k miles .
I convert to LED just because I never want that to be an excuse for an officer to pull me over. It will never require servicing. I also custom make brake lights for safety and reliability reasons. Another thing I will never get pulled over for.