Originally Posted by mechman600
This will not clean the crud from the internals of the injectors - mainly the plunger, spring and orifices. It typically happens with SVO or WVO that is insufficiently heated, or many other non-diesel fuels forced through it. Literally.
If you are playing around with a vehicle with a DPF, I HIGHLY recommend staying away from anything that contains synthetics like engine oils or ATF. They will fill the DPF with ash in no time flat. The ash will not regen out and you will be removing the DPF to clean or replace it.
Agreed. Only thing to remember is that newer common rail fuel systems are much more sensitive to debris. The reason being is that the pressures are much highr (on the orger of 30,000 psi) that means the tolerances for all the moving parts are very tight and also, the actual spray holes of the injector are extremely small. If you take out a modern common rail injector and look at the tip, you litterally almost need a magnifying glass to see the spray holes.