Originally Posted by Frank Lee
We don't even have to measure... think of the extremes: a tire with 500 psi and a 500 lb load isn't going to have a one square inch contact patch and a tire with 1 psi isn't going to have 500 square inches on the ground. However, there isn't even a small "zone" where that air/weight/area notion works.
one psi would be "flat" where the rim holds the weight of the car up.
500 psi would be exploded.
the sidewalls of the tire hold the car up some in addition to the air. and the rubber "squishes" a bit to where more of the rubber is on the ground then you would expect.
but when the tire pressure is lower, the bottom of the tire pooches out giving the tire more square inches. add air, less pooch.
btw, I don't really rate "genius" - from you, "Person much smarter then me" is adequate.