Originally Posted by cbaber
Its very hard to believe you without more testing and the fact that you no longer have this SUV anymore. Simply opening up the air intake would not give you these results unless the stock setup was extremely restrictive and the filter was clogged up. And you proved that putting on a high-flow filter afterwards gave you no results. So its obvious your test was some kind of a fluke. Either you drove the car better, conditions were better that day, or something else. You cannot confirm that your results were due to opening up the intake unless you did multiple tests like the A-B-A-B procedure. You're a little late on the April Fools jokes.
Your right but I probably put 100 tanks of gas in it in a year and SOMETGING changed. Maybe it caused it to run lean because computer couldn't compensate enough? But something did change and it wasn't me. I had never gotten close to that high except that one time. I always drove speed limit with cruise controll on. That day was all highway not a windy day but the tank or tank and a half was split over 2 directions. West and then east. No real altitude change.