Originally Posted by brucepick
And, here's a shot of the view out the rear view mirror from the driver's position. The thin curved line across the middle is the spoiler center panel. You can see the vertical support, behind the center brake light housing. This nearly uninterrupted view is one of my design targets. It's a large spoiler, and you STILL can see out the back. Not bad, if I say so myself. The blurred blob at lower left is my hand holding my little Kodak.
Thanks for sharing the evolution of your Kammback. I like your view out the back and have been considering building a removable Kamm tail for my hatchback that would allow a view out the upper 1/3 of the rear window. I am a little concerned that the step-down to the Kamm may not allow the air to reattach even if I have a level section till it meets the template. I will be watching your progress with interest.