I was typing this post a few days ago but got lazy and closed it, but I had an experience like this a few days back.
I had just left my college and was on an 8 lane, 50mph road. The light about a quarter mile in front of me turned red so I put my car in neutral and started to coast in. When traffic started to brake I was going about 5mph slower than the cars around me (~40 vs 45 in a 50) and I saw in my rearview mirror, a woman in a car behind me was shaking her fist and pounding on her steering wheel, cursing at me because I had left maybe 5 or 6 car lengths between me and the guy in front of me. She put on her blinker and immediately tried to merge into a lane next to me, almost causing an accident. She eventually got in her lane of choice but traffic had already stopped at the light - she ended up about 9 cars behind me.