Grill block:
So I had some spare time today after school to redo my top grill block this time with the proper paint primer and got all the way down to the paint and clear coat. I also stopped by my local Ace Hardware store to get 4" diamater zip ties (8 of them) for $2. They will come in handy for when I want to attach my grill blocks to my top grill.
Air Dam:
I got into the process of making an air dam for the front of my car. It will span about 7.5 inches down and leave a clearance of about 3 inches throughout for my car. Since I dont have any large pieces of coroplast, I have decided to stitch multiple 7.5"x18.5" coroplast boards together using small zip ties near the end of the process. Today I used a black paint primer on the boards to give them a nice dark color although it looks like i might have to add a second coat (its not looking as dark as the cap indicated). So far I have only 4 boards (18.5"x4 = 72"/12"=6.17') and they come just short of the amount needed (I need about 7 feet for the entire air dam). I'll be getting some free signs from my local politicians' office tomorrow so I'll be able to finish off my project from there. I'll be making my dam a bit extra wide so that it can go over the surface of my wheels (they are a bit exposed with the stock bumper). Lastly, I'll be using screws with washers and a drill to make holes into the black plastic moldings seen on the underside of my bumper. They are surprisingly thin at about maybe an eighth of an inch.
Below are the pictures.Let me know what you all think about my current idea.