I am hoping this discussion brings a subject to light. We see it all the time any more.
News stations, politicians, supposed scientists and us in the forums. All have an idea and ignore facts to the contrary or distort the facts they state to fit their view.
I want reported, repeatable, proven facts, I can make up my own mind, I dont need anyone to give me my opinion.
What happen to the objective view? Have a theory, test it and shows the results, good or bad. We try to do it here with A-B-A testing, why cant that carry over in to discussions?
I hope it can.
last night I was foggy when I wrote this, it seems harsh today, what I ment by it was if you say something is crap or stinks, tell us why its crap or stinks. Add verified facts.
I wonder why my foot-in-mouth-itis carried over to the keyboard? :/
I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure .
Last edited by Marc F.; 04-21-2012 at 10:05 PM..
Reason: Clarity