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Old 04-21-2012, 09:11 PM   #29 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Wow! This is why selling anything can be so hard. Some folks have been known to claim they were going East when the sun was setting in front of them. Hence Mr. Bloom's book "The Closing of the American Mind" or the fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes". More often than not we try to bluff our way through life afraid that we will be found out for being less competant than those around us. Maybe this is part of the reason the divorce rate has climbed, women can only be fooled so long.
Hydraulic systems operating at 4,000 psi are used regularly in construction equipment and most good auto part stores can make double steel braided hoses that are rated for 2,000 psi. Municipal water pressure is 60 psi.
The scientific method has taken a beating at the hands of political correctness. Why, so self styled philosopher-kings can justify controlling the rest of us. As an old preacher friend from Liverpool England once told me, "My old car goes right fast. Some of the young fellows try to pass me but I don't always let them."
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