Originally Posted by shovel
Clearly in response to your baseless accusation of ignorance, directly under which it appeared in my post. It was intended as a reminder that none of us knows enough about each other to say "obviously you are ignorant".
If your irritation at the mention of it is not based in ignorance, then it is rooted in denial.
The nerve you've touched has nothing to do with German history, but rather that many a good idea gets debased by someone trying to associate it with a universally negative idea.
Fact: The idea of a "people's car" (the literal translation of volkswagen) was conceived as a socialist idea and ideal.
Fact: It was first produced by a National Socialist (NAZI) state.
Fact: The association is one of historical record.
It irritates you that I made any mention of the historical relevance of the origins and history of the "people's car". (Hence, your citation of "Godwin's law", insinuating that anyone who mentions the Nazi state or its influence on modern society is somehow forbidden, or always inappropriate).
The concept of a simplified car made affordable really does have merit, and there is no positive reason for it to be dismissed by association with some unpopular political group from the past who also happened to express that idea.
I am not obliged to avoid all reasons that might be less than "positive" (according to your assessment). Your characterization of the NAZI regime is that of being nothing more than an "unpopular political group from the past", and I think that says a lot about your mindset in downplaying one of the most morally and politically reprehensible regimes ever to appear in human history.
Your citation of "Godwin's law" illustrates your discomfort of any mention being made of the NAZI state and the historical facts I cited, entirely relevant to the idea of the "people's car". That is a form of denial, if not tacit approval reflected by your employing a pressure tactic that such things should not be mentioned (invoking “Godwin's law"). Mr. Godwin won’t stifle the mention of history, nor will you.
Denial is more than a river in Egypt...