...I have to think it begins to affect the site generally, if not now at some point if that spirit is allowed to continue and expand.
Agreed 100%
Here's the text of the "forum rules" people agree to when registering:
... you warrant that you will conduct yourself in a civil manner, and will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.
The owners of EcoModder.com reserve the right to ban any user, or remove, edit, reproduce, move or close any thread or post for any reason.
Generally I or one of the other mods try to pop up in threads that are getting heated and remind people to play nice, or if they can't, ignore their nemesis. Usually that works; sometimes we lock threads.
But we do rely on people alerting us (I know I can't follow every thread).